Welcome to Cooleeney Farm, home to Ireland’s finest range of cheeses
It’s no secret why our cheeses are so good. Nestled in the heart of Tipperary’s prime dairy country, we’re blessed with peaty soil, a perfect climate and clover rich grass; so it’s no wonder our pedigree Friesian herd only produces the best milk for our fine cheeses. But don’t take our word for it.
You only have to try our cheese to realise two things: Mother Nature was definitely a cheese lover and you’ll never find another range of cheeses quite like those at Cooleeney Farm.

Celebrating the Best of Nature
Origin green is our platform to maintain and increase, how we repay nature. Through animal welfare, community engagement and waste reduction we have aligned our environmental targets with our strategic goals. In this respect, we maintain the quality of our product, while preserving the land and caring for the livestock that assists us in producing this quality.